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Simple Guide to Tethering Your Android Device

Simple Guide to Tethering Your Android Device

In this tutorial, we will show you how to tether your Android phone to your PC. You can then use your mobile data plan to access the Internet on your computer.
Tethering is used to connect your phone to your computer and then use your phone's data connection to browse the internet on your computer. This tutorial will show you how to enable tethering on your Android phone, specifically with the HTC Dream.

To enable tethering on your Android device, you need to install the TetherBot application first. You can download it here -  . Follow this guide to install the APK application on your phone-
Next, you will need to enable USB Debugging on your phone. Go to Menu -> Settings -> Applications -> Development and enable USB Debugging.
Also download the Android SDK -  and install it on your PC. In the SDK folder, go to \usb_driver\x86 and install the driver as well.
Now connect your phone to your PC. Then open your phone menu, click on TetherBot. Press the Start Socks button.
Now Run > CMD (Command Prompt) and navigate to the \sdk\tools directory and run this command.
adb forward tcp:1080 tcp:1080
Now you have a SOCKS proxy running on port 1080 which you can use to configure any browser which you want to run. Just open the proxy configuration of that browser and enter the proxy details.
For example, in Firefox,
Go to Tools -> Options and select the Advanced tab. Then go to the Network tab and select Connection -> Settings. Then select manual Proxy Configuration and enter

SOCKS Host: localhost
Port: 1080

You can also use FoxyProxy, a Firefox extension to edit the proxy settings if direct configuration doesn't work. Download FoxyProxy here -
After installing it, go to Tools -> Foxy Proxy -> Options and select the Proxies tab. Click on Add new Proxy, select Manual Proxy Configuration and tick SOCKS proxy. Enter the Host Address as localhost and Port as 1080. Click OK and enable Foxy Proxy. When you are not using your Android phone's connection, just disable Foxy Proxy.
Your tethering configuration is now complete, you can browse the internet on your computer now.

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